How much of my donation goes to the fundraising cause?
100EW gives donors the option of paying the fee, so that 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit organization you are supporting. This makes you extra extraordinary! The fee pays for credit card processing and covers administration of the site so we can offer the option to pledge. A portion of every fee is being set aside to develop a foundation that will give grants.

How do I become part of the 100 Extraordinary Women?
Being an Extraordinary Woman is as easy as donating to one of the causes on View causes that need your help by clicking here: Donate To Causes.

Can anyone start a campaign on 100EW?
To raise funds on you must be a NON-PROFIT organization.

How secure is
Is my data protected? Our website is secured with an SSL Certification and transactions are processed securely by Stripe. You will notice all our pages begin with the web address of https://  and have a lock icon in your browser, making all data passing through our website secure.

What is Stripe?
Stripe is an online payment processing for internet businesses. Stripe allows you to accept online payments in minutes, from anywhere in the world. Stripe is a quick and secure way to accept credit card and debit card payments online.

Do I need a Stripe account?
Each campaign project needs to have a Stripe account. Your campaign project on 100EW connects directly with your Stripe account allowing donations to be deposited directly into your account.

Is Stripe secure? PCI compliant?
Stripe meets and exceeds the most stringent industry standards for security. They are also audited by a PCI-certified auditor, and are certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. (This is the highest level of certification available.)

Want to get in touch with Stripe?
If you have any questions or feedback, email or visit its website:

Do I receive an invoice for my donation?
Yes, each donor will receive an email with a confirmation of the donations, one email from Stripe and one email from our 100EW system.

How does acknowledgement of 100EW donations and pledges work?
The 100EW system immediately sends the donor an email acknowledgement of the gift.

How and when does our nonprofit find out about donations, so we know who the donors are and what our progress towards our goal is?
The nonprofit receives an automatic notification via email. The notification includes the specifics of every gift: name, address and amount (a one-time gift or a pledge).

Do the 100EW system donation acknowledgements include a tax deduction receipt/statement?
No, a tax deduction statement must be sent from the nonprofit to each donor.

If a donor makes a monthly pledge via credit card, does the donor receive an acknowledgement with each monthly payment?
The 100EW system automatically triggers the payment from the donor’s credit card each month and sends an acknowledgement.

How and when do funds get transferred from 100EW to our nonprofit?
The funds, less the fee, are automatically transferred into your Stripe account as soon as the donor makes the gift.